
offer particularly spanish classes in LIMA-PERU

Welcome to Spanish Life!

My goal is help you to communicate in spanish.

my classes are particularly one on one direct with the instructor.

" if are you looking for what " is get a qualification certificate too.

Then you can take with me the initials levels for after take a placement exam in any institute ..

it will take you to a heigh level to be ready inside spanish life.

i think the best way to learn " is one on one with the instructor"

There are four areas of communication:

listening...reading...writing and speaking.

In my program, I considere all four areas completly important to a good learning.

This program standard has six levels:

beginner, beginner intermediate, intermediate,

Upper intermediate, advanced and superior.

You can specify which level you would like to enter if

you have learned some spanish before or you can take a placement exam too.

the result of this exam is approximate which will determine which level to start at.

The duration of my course is: 60 to 80 hours ; which is the

ideal time to complete one of our six levels.

the courses are: intensive course - super intensive course

and extensive course for each level.

in which one hour of them is actually hands on spanish.

You will receive as part of your course a text book,

a workbook to accompany your textbook,

a verb conjugation book (5000 verbs)

and a spanish encyclopedic dictionary.


monday to friday *Consecutive academic hours include 15 minute breaks.*

super intensive course /duration 2 weeks/40 hours/4 hours a day.

morning classes are from : to or to

intensive spanish course/ duration 4 weeks/ 60 hours /3 hours a day.

morning classes are from: 10am to 1pm

afternoon classes are from : 2pm to 5pm

evennig classes are from: 6pm to 9pm

extensive spanish course /duration 8 weeks/ 80 hours/ 2 hours a day.

morning classes from: 9 .am to 11. am or 11. am to 1 .pm

afternoon classes from: 2. pm to or 5. pm to 7. pm


$10 by hour for each level + give to you free material to study and a

completle guide tours to knowing the peru.

(one student/instructor) the classes'll be in your house , depart or a host-family, unless

that you request differently in which case can help you to find adecuate

hotel accomodations.

In this course you will cover different components of the language.

You will have else (1 hour) one on one hands on practice of the grammar

and vocabulary that you learned in the lection as you practice your

Spànish conversation with
a native speaker instructor.

I will escort you to places of interest and talk`ll you in spanish.

You will be given a list of all the places of interest inside peru with

an explanation of each them.

so you will be able to decide which places you will like to visit.

Peru land of the inkas

Levels and Progress

Students take a placement test before beginning their course. According to the results, the student will be in one of the following levels:

Spanish Beginner Course - Student has no previous Spanish experience. No classification exam is necessary.

Understands a few words or basic phrases in Spanish and speaks a little Spanish using a limited vocabulary.

Beginner Intermediate Course - Student understands and answers questions and can construct sentences about him or herself using basic vocabulary. He/she can speak and understand Spanish spoken at below normal speed.

Intermediate Course - Student can initiate, sustain and end simple conversations about everyday topics, understand the majority of questions and instructions spoken at below-normal speed, and use vocabulary related to his/her activities and preferences.

Upper Intermediate Course - Student can hold conversations about a range of topics at near-normal speed and use present, past and future tenses. He/she is able to make requests and suggestions and can hold telephone conversations, although with some difficulty. He/she can write simple reports related to his/her activities.

Advanced Course - Student can initiate, sustain and end a wide variety of complex conversations at normal speed, give rehearsed presentations to an audience, debate the pros and cons of different topics using specialized vocabulary and write a wide range of reports with few mistakes. He or she is able to understand most written texts and write reports.

Superior course - (full listening and conversation)Student functions at a near-native level in most or all language competencies.

The importance of Spanish :

-If you speak Spanish, you can communicate with almost 500 million people worldwide! Think

-how many more employment options that gives you! And if you want to take a trip to Spain or

-Latin America, a little knowledge of Spanish will go a long way. Latin culture continues to have a global influence on architecture, art and literature.

-Who isn't familiar with Cervantes 'Don Quijote de la Mancha, the second most translated book after the Bible, which marked its 400th anniversary in 2005 with worldwide

couchsurfing ! students of spanish language at home lima-peru


When you study in peru, there are several options for your accommodation while you are staying in Lima. I can arrange for you to stay with a host family (family homestay)only let me to know it to contact one of them.

There are also several hotels too .Located close to miraflores in the centre of lima that offer a discounted corporate rate for students.

List of Recommended Hotels